Meaning of (पचकल्यानी ‡) pachakalyanee ‡ in english
As noun : scoundrelly
cunning rascally shifty roguish scheming wide boy conniving slick blackguardly knave shark Ex:  Until recently only a few benthic species of shark sarcasm satire Ex:  Having the key to a novel, a satire
As verb : crooked calculating
As adjective : shrewd devious sly astute calculative volatile artful wily guileful tricksy crafty tricky foxy
Suggested : cunning or wily departing from the most direct way circuitous indirect skill employed in a shrewd or sly manner, as in deceiving craftiness guile having the character of a scoundrel unscrupulous villainous astute or sharp in practical matters
Word of the day
(पचकल्यानी ‡) pachakalyanee ‡
can be used as noun, verb or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 11 including consonants matras. The word is used as Adjective in hindi originated from Hindi language .
Transliteration :
pachakalyaanii ‡